Suture, Poster (2021)
Open Call, Unser Ebertplatz, Köln, DE
"Suture" means to sew and describes how we extend an image border in our imagination. The picture shows a detail of a photo that my father took of me. I was two years old and couldn't speak yet.
Suture was the starting point of a series of works that deal with body and space, image borders and imagination: Suture, White Balance, Nothing, Subcooled. I started this series after I worked on an essay about VALIE EXPORTs works.
The essay was published in 2017 under the title Dekonstruktion von Körper-/Zeichen by VALIE EXPORT in: Künstlerinnen schreiben. Selected contributions to art theory from three centuries edited by Renate Kroll and Susanne Gramatzki.

Photos: Anne Schülke