Form the Suburbs, Ratingen-West (2023)
Poster with image and audio work (via QR code), part of Parrots and Swans, public space, Ratingen-West (GER)
Voice: Marion Sherwood, translation: Katarina Atkinson, Annamaria Bianchi
In the fall of 2022, I met the painter Sebastiano Benegiamo in a high-rise housing estate in a suburb of Florence. There, in Le Piagge, Sebastiano Benegiamo initiated the project "ilPrisma" in 2019 together with his friend Emiliano Anselmo: they organize exhibitions in the district.
In spring 2023 I participated in their latest project San'azione, a group exhibition curated by Angelika Stepken. On posters and T-shirts, visitors could see images of various high-rise buildings from Ratingen-West and scan a QR code to listen to an audio work: A young voice speaks a manifesto-like text, asking visitors to reconsider the past and change the present for a different future.
For the people living in Ratingen-West, Anne Schülke photographed a scene in Le Piagge. This image can be seen on a billboard at Berliner Platz. The audio work is accessible via a QR code on the poster and on T-shirts. In German Deutsch, Italian and English.

Poster: Anne Schülke, photos: Alexander Zheleznyak